Living Water Ministry seeks to advance and encourage the healing ministry of Jesus Christ!
Living Water Ministry
Living Water Ministry
Living Water Ministry seeks to advance and encourage the healing ministry of Jesus Christ!
What we Believe...
We believe that Jesus’ saving work on the cross can bind the brokenhearted, bring freedom, and release from darkness (Isaiah 61:1) and that those who believe in Him will minister freedom in His name (Mark 16:15-18).
We believe that the Cross is powerful and what Jesus accomplished there is God’s greatest provision for us. Jesus not only poured out His love, but defeated satan and gave us authority over demons. (1Cor. 1:18).
What is it?
Living Water Ministry is made up of individuals who desire to see the power of Jesus set captives free (emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually) through His Truth (John 8:31-32). Our ministers pray with and for individuals, with a focus on Jesus’ redemptive, restorative work on the cross and how it alone can bring healing to the brokenness of their souls.
What is HEaling Prayer?
It is a form of prayer and NOT professional counseling. Those who work in this ministry have had training, but they are not ordained pastors or licensed counselors. Jesus calls us to minister, in His name (Mark 16:15-17), to bring freedom from spiritual, emotional, and even physical problems. It is our expectation that God will help you through our time together.
What we hope to happen in our ministry time is that JESUS, not us, brings a healing, revelation, or ministry toward wholeness.
What is a Healing Appointment?
After completing the information form a team of two to three ministers will meet with you at the appointment, hear your story, and then pray with you to seek the Lord’s direction and healing.
In prayer, we seek the revelatory, healing touch of Jesus Christ. Each appointment usually takes about 2 hours. All appointments are confidential.
How to Make an Apppointment?
First complete our information form (click here). This form will give the ministers a picture of your personal history and present life. After submitting the form then select a time for an appointment (click here to schedule).
Remember that you will need about 2 hours for your ministry appointment. You will be contacted by phone to schedule your appointment.
We are committed to keeping whatever is shared confidential. However, we are bound by law to report to the appropriate agencies two kinds of issues:
• Any intent of a person to take harmful, dangerous or criminal action against themselves, or another individual
• Any act of child or elderly neglect or abuse